Joseph Willaert School goes Europe
In December 2023 the Joseph Willaert School was notified about the acceptance of our application for EU Erasmus+ accreditation. This achievement marks an important step towards an internationalisation of our education concept. It shows the support by the European Union to help implementing programs like student internship or teacher exchanges at organisations in other EU countries. The accreditation offers simplified access to EU funds for the related activities. In a first step towards the larger goal, josephwillaertschool is planning an Internship for our “Qualification Class Welders” at a partner organisation in Wiesbaden Germany. The other study sections (hairdresser’s assistants, painters and decorators, retail assistants, catering assistants) are planned to follow subsequently. Shadowing and other training measures across Europe for our teaching staff will be part of this programme. For the regular planning and follow-up, an Erasmus+ Committee will be implemented at josephwillaertschool; not only to organise the individual activities but also to coordinate the regular communication about the further achievements.
Contact for further details are:
Ann Van Riet, Principal Joseph Willaert School
Franky Douvere, Erasmus+ Coordinator Joseph Willaert School
Wiesbadener Jugendwerkstatt gGmbh
Tijdens de paasvakantie heeft Michele van Beirs, onze Erasmus-coordinator, een gesprek gevoerd met de leiding van de WJW in Wiesbaden (opleidingsbedrijf voor kansarme mensen). Twee van onze leerlingen gaan een stage bij de WJW volgen binnen het kader van het Erasmus+ project. Hieronder een verslag van het gesprek. (Engels) In conversation with Dr. Sabina Zieglgänsberger, authorized signatory and head of trainings and measures management, about apprenticeships and training opportunities for young people and long-term unemployed citizens at the “Wiesbadener Jugendwerkstatt gGmbh” in Wiesbaden.
Dr. Zieglgänsgerber, thank you for offering two of our students a place for their vocational training in Wiesbaden at the WJW.
Question: Dr. Zieglgänsberger, how many young people are following a vocational training at the WJW and what are the goals of your organization?
Answer: We have about 300 young people between 16 and 24 years of age on apprenticeship, about 60 instructors and 190 employees.
As an organization we offer the practical part of the dual-oriented apprenticeship which is typical for Germanys occupational education system.
The apprentices work 3,5 days per week in our workshops to gain practical experience and the remaining 1,5 days per week they attend theoretical lessons at the vocational schools in Wiesbaden.
The Wiesbadener Jugendwerkstatt gGmbH is a non-profit organization of the city of Wiesbaden. The object and purpose of the organization is the professional integration and reintegration of unemployed people or those threatened by potential unemployment.
One important aspect in our work is the integration of different professional skills given the multitude of different types of occupations we cover. For example, our apprentices designed, built and organized our new Tearoom called ¨Café Bohne¨ entirely themselves addressing all required skills and competence learned in the respective vocational education. By performing this as a team, all participants took part in this cross-fertilization of knowledge and experiences.
Question: In how many and in which professions does the WJW offer apprenticeships?
Answer: We offer 25 apprenticeships in the areas of administration, green professions such as gardening or horse management, sales, skilled trades such as painting or metalworking and food and catering professions.
Question: Which city authorities do you work with?
Answer: We work together with the Wiesbaden job center and the youth welfare office by supporting long term unemployed people through special client-centered trainings and by offering young people new occupational perspectives.
Question: Would you consider the possibility for our students of other professions to come here at the WJW for a vocational training in future?
By this I mean: our caterers, our painters and decorators, our vendors.
Answer: We would have to ask the instructors first because we have to consider the fact of possible language barriers. If the instructors consider this possible, then there is nothing to put against it.
Thank you.
Michèle Van Beirs
Erasmus coordinator
Bezoek schepen Waldmann in Ter Zee
Tien leerlingen uit de kwalificatiefase Metaal-Hoeknaadlasser van SBSO Ter Zee van GO! scholengroep Stroom gaan van 2 tot en met 15 juni voor het eerst op buitenlandse stage. Hiermee verricht de school pionierswerk op het gebied van internationale mobiliteit in het buitengewoon secundair onderwijs.
De buitenlandse stage komt er doordat SBSO Ter Zee eind 2023 de goedkeuring voor een Erasmus+ accreditatie voor buitenlandse stages ontving. Het Erasmus+ programma biedt waardevolle internationale ervaringen aan leerlingen. Hierdoor verbreden ze hun perspectief en kunnen ze belangrijke waarden zoals democratie, solidariteit, zelfredzaamheid en inclusie in de praktijk brengen. Dat nu ook een school voor buitengewoon secundair onderwijs deze accreditatie ontvangt, is een mijlpaal voor de school.
"Erasmus+ heeft zich bewezen als een succesvol programma voor Europese internationale mobiliteit. We zien dit als een startpunt en streven ernaar om in de komende jaren ook de andere 4 opleidingen hierbij te betrekken," zegt Ann Van Riet, directeur van josephwillaertschool.
Sami, Vincenzo, Liam, Baktazh, Zinedine, Ferre, Kenzi, Ali, Rayan en Giovani kijken uit naar hun vertrek naar Wiesbaden (Duitsland) binnenkort.
""Dit is zeer belangrijk voor mijn toekomst", vertelt Baktazh Zazai (19 jaar). "Het is een unieke kans om hun horizon te verbreden en nieuwe culturen te ervaren", vult Ann Van Riet aan..
De stagiairs doen 14 dagen praktische ervaring op. Ze genieten één week opleiding in een opleidingscentrum en één week in Duitse bedrijven.
foto :Van links naar rechts: Juf Maaike Vandorpe, meester Lotfi Ben Chikha, juf Michèle Van Beirs, Schepen Natacha Waldmann, Directeur Ann Van Riet en de leerlingen: Baktazh Zazai, Salman Ali Mohamed en Amber Van Damme,